Thursday, February 17, 2011

Team Work-:)

There's nothin like middle of the night puke-
The sound of footsteps, the little (or big) voice, almost in warning mode, and then the impact.
Whether they make it to the toilet, or the sink, or some ends up on your comforter, the pity
takes over your being. 
Not just because you know how crappy it feels to throw up, (really, what is worse, ever?) but
because you would take it from them in a heartbeat.
In this house, last night, it came, almost to a tee, at the exact second my baby was waking for a feeding.
I had just gotten her out of her crib, when I heard someone heaving. 
It was my fifth grader, who insisted he would feel better after taking a shower.  So in he went and I went to breastfeed.
About ten minutes later, my three yr old, who had come into our room earlier, and was sleeping there,
started throwing up on her pillow.
My dear husband, who had to work AFTER work yesterday, (at a salon that can only
have repairs done when they're not open), had just gotten home, and been sleeping only about an hr.
Although he needed to get his bearings straight, he helped me get her out and
things organized.
Then I took the baby, and the two patients, downstairs to make up the "sick ward".
I had to run up to get another pillow, and saw Roman, standing at the sink, scrubbing something
that must have gotten hit by chunks.
There he was on one hr of rest, cleaning.
I grabbed what I needed and smiled, to which he said, do you need help? 
Do you need me to do anything?
In the chaos of life, no matter what the issue or saga, or even daily moments are, isn't that all we want?
Someone to just simply offer to lend a hand, or grab an end here and there, and help you carry
something, even if it's just for a minute?
Everything was handled, and he got to get back to sleep, God bless him, but those seven
words were priceless.
I love team work. 
But even more I love having someone that I just know has my back, even when I'm cool with
handling things.
When he gets home today, I'm gonna tell him what his continued "assistance" means to me...
I know he's heard it through the years, but I think it may be one of those phrases that never
gets old to share with people that are truly there for you.
I know not every man is built with that part, doing something without needing to be asked, and luckily he didn't miss that additive on the production line.
I get to stay home, so although I'll be tired, being sleep deprived doesn't affect me like it does someone who is performing physical labor for nine hours this afternoon.
If you have a teammate in life, make sure you are telling them how it makes you feel to have them.
We are very blessed to have an extra set of hands, especially at three in the morning. :)



  1. Aw, Jen, I just got teary reading, love, love.

  2. lol chris-yea, i think i'll keep him :)

  3. He's a good one Jen!! But you already knew that right? I hope your house of flu gets better quickly. I think it was a 24 hour bug going around. Heard a lot of folks with it this time.

  4. and aww..again! i love it! he's such a good example for your boys too! : )

