Friday, February 18, 2011

Flip a Coin.

Just flip a freakin' quarter-
If your kids are sick-Sinus', horrible headache, ear infection, or stomach pains-
Throw one in the air-
Go to your wallet and yell out heads or tails, to tell you if you should keep them home.
You cannot win!
First of all, you can't win with the right or wrong...
You can let them go to school and feel great, and you're in the clear.
You can keep them home and they run around after the first hour on the couch, like it's gym class.
You can let them stay, and their puking within fifteen minutes of when they'd be on the bus.
Or you can let them go, and get a call from the nurse by nine a.m.
Two ways of right and two ways you were wrong-
And you know, even if you are a great fortune teller, you can't win anyway.
The school has this two sided approach to whatever your choose to do-I love them dearly, but it's true.
If the kids are sick and they're home, there's a letter generated that they are missing school
and you need to know that this can become an issue.
If you send them, and they call you, and they then tell you this (is also) an issue. 
You shouldn't have sent them.
So, my morning lesson?  Flip a quarter, dime, nickel, or penny.
If you live near Atlantic City, go to the roulette table.
The odds there are just like predicting the flu, a gamble.
Have a good one, off to make some jello for my patients :)
Hugs !

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