Friday, February 25, 2011

Princess For The Day.

"Can I get an "Oh, YEAAHhhh-"
"It's my birthdayyy, gonna partty, like it's my birthhhdayyy-"
What is better than your birthday?  
A day all your own, where you are it, baby.
It is all about you, the star, which is, come on, one of the best things ever.
(1) my family (2) coffee (3) being all about me.

It only comes once a year, one out of 365 days. 
It takes so long to get here
and is over before you get a chance to pee, twice.
So hello, whatttss up, mine is today.....holla!

Crazy as can be, the feeling of it stays the same, but some weird
things happen through the years, don't they? 
Like things you noticed about "old" people when you were young.
But never thought you'd be there-
Number one- member how shocked you were when your parent, didn't
know for a second, how old they were turning?
When you asked them, and they were caught off guard, and had to
think for a minute...
How insane and unimaginable was that, that someone WOULD NOT
know how old they freaking were. 
But every year, for the past few, I DID have to think about it.
"Well, let's see, I was 36 or wait, maybe I was thinking about that
being next year. 
Okay, I was born in 73 and it's 2009"  So let me minus twenty and add...." Please.  IT'S INSANE.

This wasn't one of those years though...
I awoke to  the sound of my husband's voice, "Let me look at you Jenny,
let me see what 38 looks like."
Whateverrr...don't bring me into your swamps of 41...
I still have quite a few years to be an senior citizen like you Roman.  lol
So, here I am, old or not, enjoying the first hours of my
"Princess of the Day" and lovin' it.

The doorbell rang this morning, and Lexi's boyfriend and his little
brother came in, soaking wet from the rain, with a dozen Dunkin Donuts. 
How sweet was that? 
Everyone so far has woken up in a good mood, and only one shift
left of kids to get on the bus before I decide what to do as the star.
I AM NOT CLEANING that's for sure, because in fact, I am the princess.
(In case you forgot).
Oh, it will be time to check my Facebook soon. 
The internet" house of love", where no
matter how many friends you have on there, you cannot NOT be
overwhelmed by the kindness,
(or just boredom on their part so they wrote to you), that
you are shown, as you turn a year older.
By 7 am, I already had almost 30 messages-thank you friends, thank you.
I will, yes I will, enjoy celebrating-right after I sweep up the 100
cheerios on the floor. :)

Another thing that's different?
How far you come from your younger years, with parties at each age or
needing to whip up the town?
Please, no surprises now...I'll be asleep by ten and everyone
will go home.
Now, I just want to chill with people I love, or maybe go to dinner
and a movie with the hubby, every so often.

But the biggest change has got to be, just wanting simplicity on our "special" day.
"Hey, can you guys not argue at all today, as my present?" 
"Don't spend money, just make me a massage coupon." 
"How about everybody just does their chores without needing to be reminded?"
Like you could ever, at nine years old, imagine a great birthday would be everyone in your family getting along, making hot chocolate and playing PAYDAY.
How life has changed. 

We aren't going anywhere this year. 
Roman told me he and the kids, wanted to pick up all my favorite
foods later today and grill on the deck.
(It's raining but supposed to be 55, so we are gonna be so cozy!)
I thought it sounded amazing. 
A plan without my input...the best thing ever. 
And I listened last night, as he and the little ones made me
a cake.
It sounded like it was going great until someone yelled that it was
exploding in the oven.
I snuck in and peeked, and it looked like the batter has a right arm hanging off the side.
Only my cake, would look like a mama with a little baby connected to it.

One more year down, and so many blessings-
With each passing of twelve months, more and more takes place.
Just as my Barbie Mansion amazed me at eight, I never would
have imagined my life would amaze me, ten fold, at thirty eight.
Birthdays definitely change through the years, but when you really think
about it, it's probably not because our expectations became any smaller.
I think it is simply because, our lives became bigger.

The Princess :)

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