Monday, April 25, 2011

And it ends....

I know the house is quiet.
And yes, we will be able to control the "disaster zones" of blankets, opened gallons of Turkey Hill
Iced Tea and endless bags of Tostitos-
But man, I miss those buggers.

Spring break was so awesome this year-and not because we stocked it with fun filled
things to do...
We did hit the movie theatre for DIARY OF A WIMPY KID and then an evening showing
with the big ones to SCREAM 4...both very good in my opinion :)
But the rest was just chilling-
Trips to Five Below (my kids favorite place on earth), sleeping in til 9 something, and
a few b-ball practices.
Then on Thursday we took them all to Brigantine for the weekend. 
We played every sport imaginable
in the front yard, went to the park, had fifty two games of
UNO and fourteen of Rummy, and just enjoyed
doing whatever we felt like, um, whenever.

Summer will soon be here and I know my grocery bill will be higher and
I have to balance my
part time job, when that time comes, as referee.
But I really do (when I'm not in the black and white striped outfit with my whistle)
enjoy all my
monsters, being around.
Nice weather is coming soon to stay!!!
Okay so----
Get something done people-your house is a mess.



  1. 4 boys and 4 girls! What a perfect balance! Your family is beautiful!! My best friend has six children (she had two girls, and then two sets of twins). They are the most polite children that I have EVER met! It seems that the bigger the family, the bigger the love. Can't wait to hear about your family adventures.

  2. thank you miranda! and thanks for reading my blog...i love when people comment. it makes me feel loved! :) lol
    so glad to hear theres another girl out there with a circus, can you give her a hug for me?
    take care :)
