Monday, August 22, 2011

end to lazy days

commericals with the holiday song-
"most wonderful time of the year".
endless circulars with school supply sales for
the past month.
the slightest breeze in the air, almost whispering that these
are the last ten
or so days you have left to sleep in a little later, a
few extra times-
or, (even harder to swallow), to mix up that pitcher of margaritas at six pm
that still shouts- SUMMER.

this year's break, with our oldest having taken off, our
beach vaca early,
and added craziness until two weeks ago, although relaxing- for
the most part, truly sped by.
here we are, triggered by the teacher letters showing up
end of month,
realizing that the minute
directly after feeling like you JUST relaxed from last year's
routine, it's time to start again.
the letterhead lets you know, it's about that time. 
time to put on your new sneakers and place
your foot on the line of the school -year's -running -track...
waiting for
the "get set" and then "GO!".

the funniest thing to me about it all through my past eighteen years,
is everytime this hour comes,
i feel like i am just about to prove myself amazing.
THIS YEAR, im gonna be organized. 
i get the schedules, the lists, the meeting dates. 
everyones lunches are made the night before,
backpacks lined up, two hundred fifteen emergency cards
filled out the second I get them.
this is gonna be MY year.  im going to rock this thing.  Oh yeah.

who am i kidding?  um, that would be myself.
but its good for us. 
i really like having the kids here all summer and am bummed
its coming to an end,
so the one cool thing is that i can imagine is  "routine" with
my newfound perfectness.
a whole new chance to get on top of things-be on time. 
never forget a dang thing.
and maybe, quite possibly, i can trick my kids into thinking it too.

motivating at any age is hard when they've had a length of time off.
of course they're excitied (young ones anyway) for that first week.
they have a new place to go, and get to see their friends again...
but that's short lived.  come on.
so maybe this deep breath of ours can carry over and get everyone
maybe....this year.

good luck to all with the trips to target and wal mart.
have fun venting or lecturing or convincing or simply
saying 100 no's,
as they point endlessly to only the things they DONT need
on the list.
hang in there if the memory you thought you were gonna
make doesnt go as planned.
know that some years its great, and others-a semi-disaster.
and if all else fails,
follow a mom with a soon to be college bound, with her.
imagine me, (although we did summer session), doing my
last outing for
the "real" session, tomorrow.
remembering the years of hello kitty, that have now turned into a lime
green coffee pot.

this, like everything else, won't be your life forever-
the summer days go faster every time im turning around.
even if theres only a week left to create some fun, go for it!
the house will be quiet enough soon---don't rush.
and good luck with this year's race.
i'm sure to see you on the run! :)


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